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Showing posts from May, 2020

Oops! Don't Forget the Flashing...

G ot so excited about siding the place with clapboards I went right over the window trim with boards before I flashed it for rain water - lol... Tags: tiny house,DIY,D.I.Y.,frugal,do it yourself,learn,construction,project,old fashioned,how to,flashing,siding,clapboards,luan,4x8 sheets,framing,sheathing,building

MP3 Player Teardown Reassemble Repair Clip-Dat

S hort video showing an MP3 Player teardown from fully assembled to separate pieces then reassembly. The most common issue with these players is the plastic sides or button popping out. This is caused by the screws getting overpowered by insertion of accessories. When the sides aren't held firmly during insertion and removal the force attempts to push the parts through the body... Video was made in 2012 on my original channel... Tags: MP3 Player,how to,repair,mini,MP3,player,problem,restoration,teardown,reassemble,fix,Clip-Dat,fairlyadept,micro,super glue,DIY,D.I.Y.,do it yourself,free

Tiny House Finally Gets Clapboards!

T he long awaited part of the build where we complete the exterior to begin work on the inside has begun. Clapboards are finally getting made and installed :) Tags: do it yourself,clapboards,frugal,D.I.Y.,DIY,trim,drainage,sheathing,learn,construction,exterior,siding,old fashioned,tools,project,tiny house,free,how to,water

Fascia Boards And Trim Install

S o ready to put up the clapboards but I need to hang the last of the structural fascia and trim out around the openings and corners first... Tags: drainage,old fashioned,free,woods,trim,siding,do it yourself,fascia,how to,D.I.Y.,tiny house,DIY,frugal,clapboards,tools,construction,project,facia

Rainy Day: Wrap, Doors & Windows

With the threat of rain all day I need to use the morning to wrap the exterior and close the holes with some glass... Tags: tiny house,dual swing door,door,DIY,construction,project,do it yourself,old fashioned,house wrap,wrap,windows,D.I.Y.,how to,free,frugal,preparing,top & bottom door,weather,tools,drainage

The Roof is Now Done :)

A fter days of carrying, cutting, adhering materials and climbing up, down, & repositioning the DIY scaffolding I put in the final roof screw. Now I await the next rain to see if there are any leaks... Tags: DIY,roof,frugal,free,D.I.Y.,project,metal roof,drip edge,how to,tools,roofing,scaffold,old fashioned,construction,tiny house,steel coil,learn,ladder,skylight,do it yourself

But Can It Be Driven on Yet?

F inal walk-through on decision to attempt pulling van into the area previously flooded after rebuilding and raising road path... Tags: D.I.Y.,repair,old fashioned,twigs,water,top soil,construction,tiny house,natural,free,sticks,nature,landscaping,landscape,drainage,culvert,flood,project,teardown,yard work,woods,clay,marsh,path,frugal,DIY,Road,mud,trail,digging,creek,road,grading,do it yourself

Gotta Stock Some Fish for this Creek!

T he drainage culvert I dug to divert the overflow from the top marsh to the bottom marsh rather than flooding the road has created a creek that spills into a pond :) Tags: stuck,clay,yard work,construction,driving,fix,flood,repair,grading,culvert,road,frugal,nature,free,drainage,ditch,landscaping,natural,marsh,path,mosquitoes,digging,DIY,mud,fish,creek,woods,trail

Framed in from deck to roofing...

T ook a few days with lots of walking and carrying materials long distances to the jobsite but overall things are taking shape... Tags: project,construction,tools,frugal,building,lumber,Framing,deck,D.I.Y.,do it yourself,natural,wood,tiny house,woods,how to,mosquitoes,old fashioned,DIY,roof,free

Was Digging a Creek Worth It?

T he drainage system and overflow appears to be working but what will happen when it rains... Tags: learn,culvert,teardown,landscape,van,drainage,DIY,woods,stuck,how to,old fashioned,overflow,fix,D.I.Y.,nature,water,path,yard work,top soil,trail,tiny house,rain water,frugal,natural,construction,mud,repair,do it yourself,clay,Darinage,digging,mosquitoes,marsh,tools,road,grading,creek,project,landscaping,free,flood,driveway

Drainage Prep Before the Rain

C reated driving pads from saplings cut in 24" lengths then staked down some old wire fence that used to block off sections in the woods to pin them in and spread load while driving over the new raised section. Tags: road,natural,grading,yard work,flood,landscape,how to,darinage,2wd,digging,repair,van,driving,clay,mud,tools,creek,trail,rain,raised bed,marsh,project,top soil,path,construction,teardown,fix,DIY,D.I.Y.,tiny house,nature,mosquitoes,learn,free,do it yourself,landscaping,drainage,woods,water,culvert,old fashioned,frugal

Trenching & Raising Drive Path by Hand

A road between two marshes gets flooded seasonally so I took it upon myself to create drainage from the higher marsh to the lower under the road, blockade walls, and raise the road bed. Tags: natural,water,drainage,teardown,path,van,clay,shovel,frugal,repair,yard work,pick axe,axe,landscape,landscaping,road,mosquitoes,tiny house,culvert,flooding,digging,roadwork,trenching,construction,top soil,marsh,tools,free,trail,grading,DIY,how to,woods,creek,D.I.Y.,project,nature,old fashioned,flood,do it yourself

Stuck & Flooded Road: RWD Van

T he road flooded during the evening after I pulled in my van with a full load of materials. I had to dig a trench/creek/culvert to drain and maintain the road to get the van out... Tags: creek,fish,drainage,rain,mosquitoes,van,fix,road,trail,path,water,culvert,natural,marsh,yard work,clay,landscape,nature,tiny house,old fashioned,free,mud,project,D.I.Y.,do it yourself,flood,2wd,woods,stuck,frugal,DIY,grading,drive path,landscaping

640 Watt Solar with 480 Gallon Cistern

F inally installed my solar panels and made a cistern that catches rain water that falls off of them while also providing weight to anchor them down from wind - two birds with one stone - gotta love a 2fer. It was quite a rainy day to install solar panels though... Tags: landscaping,grading,tiny house,solar,do it yourself,D.I.Y.,DIY,solar panels,construction,green,free,natural,cistern,rain water collection,tools,project,how to,power,solder,landscape,frugal

The Small Idea That Started A big Project

A Tiny building turns into a big project quite easily Tags: TAconstruction,D.I.Y.,nature,old fashioned,frugal,DIY,building project,trail,tiny house,woods,how to,shed,do it yourself,tools,project,mosquitoes,freeGS

Nigerian Pygmy Goat Domicile!!!

B uilt this during a drizzle as the rain was getting stronger. Had a lil' help with an extra pair of hands as well. Took about 15 minutes give or take... Tags: pygmy goats,free,do it yourself,woods,DIY,old fashioned,nigerian pigmy goat,D.I.Y.,project,nature,community,natural,water,how to,frugal,construction,landscaping,tiny house

Windows, Frames, & Flash Flood...

W oke up, had some Covfefe, walked the areas previously worked, concocted some windows and frames, then as the weather turned took footage of the results when the heavy rain bands were past... Song/album/artist/audio track used was: 01. Coffee (03:16) - Chilled Beats by Cambo found on Free Music Archive @ & is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 ( Track was looped to play entire video but left otherwise unchanged. Tags: nature,framing,building,frugal,tools,project,do it yourself,construction,woods,how to,tiny house,mosquitoes,frames,water collection,free,windows,old fashioned,DIY